Monday, 23 March 2020

Just stay in and make bread!

Just stay in, just stay in, just stay in...and make bread maybe?  Or something more interesting!
Tonight's bread and buns...

I'm not an interesting person...I don't do exciting things...I like being at home.

I am staying in as much as possible...and making bread!

A traditional loaf shape, a big cob, a small cob, and some buns.  It's a simple kind of night, I'm kept busy, and I am not infecting anyone else...that's because I am staying at home and making bread.

Corona virus is particularly infectious.  If I have it and wander around, shopping for things I don't really need, meeting up with friends, catching up with acquaintances, I may be passing it on to lots of people.  They can then wander around passing it to lots more people and so on. 

A very clever virologist explained on the TV today that if 1 infected person wanders round then very quickly they can infect 10,000 people.  Now those numbers sound a bit too big but he was very clear.  He explained how one person infects 3, then those 3 each go on to affect 3 more each, and so on, until the 10th time it is passed on 10,000 people have been infected.

You can heear him here on Facebook explain it in more detail

Now I might not be interesting but the bread smells good and I will not be that 1 person that starts the infection of 9,999 others.  Don't let it be you either.  Stay in and make bread!

Chocolate chip griddle scones :-)

...or you could make chocolate chip griddle scones.

...or knitted cats.

You could learn a new skill.

You can catch up with friends and family on the phone, on social media, on Instagram or Snapchat (if you have a young person to hand), or even by writing a letter or email!

What you cannot do is meet up.

Remember 1 person can easily infect 9,999 others.  Do not let that person be you.

One of the special people in my life is a midwife.  She and her colleagues are working.  They are looking after new and expectant mums and dads.  On her days off she is staying at home...she might make bread, she might do something more interesting.  What she will not do is wander around infecting others.

This is Cathy the midwife doing something interesting

This is Cathy.  She is a midwife.  This is her enjoying a pom pom creation.  If anyone doesn't know what to do whilst staying in I would love some of these!

So, stay in, don't infect others and see you soon.

Love, Rebecca and all at WCM xxx

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